REMINDER: Submit Your Proposal to Present at the SUFC Annual Meeting!
SUFC’s Call for Collaboration is still open and seeking presentation proposals for the 2023 Annual Meeting on March 1, 2023 in Arlington, VA! This year’s theme will focus on workforce development in the urban forestry field. See below for more information on the Call for Collaboration and how to submit your work.
SUFC Call for Collaboration/Calls to Dialogue
Topic: How is your institution overcoming barriers to entry into the arboricultural/urban forestry field? What’s working? What’s not working?
Presenters will be asked to share a brief presentation before breakout rooms are opened on a regional/sector basis to invite dialogue among participants and the presenter. Presenters are encouraged to apply with projects of success but also with stories of when things didn’t quite go to plan. The goal is for attendees to learn and to have the opportunity to share so that all leave with a sense of new understanding to apply to their own work and new contacts in the sector to consider collaborating with in the future.
Presentations are not required to be U.S. based projects. Presenters, who may be representing an organization or institution or presenting as individuals, will share their ideas, visions, and creative thinking about how to establish a more equitable approach to how urban forestry is done.
Those who submit successful proposals will have the opportunity to:
1. Present their project or idea and corresponding Call for Collaboration/Calls to Dialogue at the Annual Meeting on March 1, 2023.
2. Provide a mid-year update to the broader urban forestry community via one of the SUFC communications channels; and
3. Access the diverse members and supporters of the Coalition to form partnerships to continue this dialogue and increase collaboration throughout the year.
The RFP will close January 31, 2023.
Submit your proposals HERE by January 31, 2023!
Registration for the Annual Meeting is now open too! Register HERE for virtual or in-person attendance.