Submit Your Proposal to Present at the SUFC Annual Meeting

SUFC’s Call for Collaboration is live, inviting proposals for presentations at the 19th Annual Meeting on February 28, 2024, in Arlington, VA!

This year’s theme will focus on successful partnerships and impact tracking in urban and community forestry. Continue reading for details on the Call for Collaboration and guidelines for submitting your work.

SUFC Call for Collaboration/Calls to Dialogue

SUFC welcomes submissions on broadening partnerships with first-time federal grant recipients in urban and community forestry by focusing on member outreach, field expansion, funding impact tracking, innovative practices with new tools, and sharing successes and lessons learned.

The Coalition invites presenters from various backgrounds – whether representing an organization or institution or presenting as individuals – to contribute their innovative ideas and perspectives on fostering equity in urban forestry practices. We encourage applicants to focus on programs, projects, and initiatives that align with this year’s theme.

Those who submit successful proposals will have the opportunity to:

  1. Present their project or idea and corresponding Call for Collaboration/Call to Dialogue virtually or in person at the Annual Meeting. Presentations will be 20-30 minutes in length.
  2. Provide a mid-year update to the broader urban forestry community via one of the SUFC communications channels; and,
  3. Access the diverse members and supporters of the Coalition to form partnerships to continue this dialogue and increase collaboration throughout the year.

Submit your proposal HERE by January 10, 2024!

*Registration for the Annual Meeting will open in the new year!*