The Value of Membership

Member Benefits

Your organization’s $650 annual membership dues include:

  • Networking opportunities with fellow SUFC members, along with urban forestry experts and advocates from government, academia and numerous other sectors.
  • Access to a wealth of urban forestry news, information and technical expertise, including a members-only section on the SUFC website.
  • Direct engagement with a community of champions and thought leaders advancing a comprehensive, integrated policy platform to maximize the myriad benefits of trees.

Who should join the coalition?

The trees, vegetation, and green spaces that make up urban forests are essential contributors to virtually every measure of community well-being. Whatever aspect of community vibrancy your organization supports, SUFC plays a critical role in getting there.

AIR: Urban trees remove over 710,000 tons of air pollution per year in the U.S.

WATER: Trees can filter up to 80% of phosphorus out of stormwater before it can pollute the waterways.

PUBLIC HEALTH: In New York City, the rate of early childhood asthma is 29% lower for every 343 trees per square kilometer.

ENERGY AND CLIMATE: One million mature trees around American residences save approximately $2 billion annually in reduced energy costs.

JOBS AND ECONOMY: The U.S. economic impacts of green industries include 1.6 million jobs, $82 billion in payroll, and $196 billion in sales.

RESILIENCY: Establishing and adhering to a regular tree maintenance schedule can help protect cities from extreme weather events.

To find out more about becoming a part of this diverse and effective coalition, contact Heather Doucet

[email protected] | (571) 620-2479