Urban Forests Info Alert
Good News! Congress passes FY20 spending bill
Congress passed a bipartisan spending bill on December 19 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, which includes a number of exciting wins for SUFC priorities. Here’s a quick rundown:
US Forest Service
- Urban and Community Forestry: $32 million – $2.5 million increase over FY 2019
- Forest Health Management (Cooperative Lands): $44 million – $2 million increase over FY 2019
- Landscape-Scale Restoration: $14 million – level funding
- Community Forests and Open Space: $4 million – level funding
- Research and Development: $305 million – $5 million increase over FY 2019
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- Tree and Wood Pest: $60 million – level funding
- Specialty Crops: $192 million – $6 million increase over FY 2019
Environmental Protection Agency
- Clean Water State Revolving Funds: $1.639 billion – $245 million increase over FY19 enacted funding
- Note, the SUFC FY 2020 ask was for at least 20% to be allocated for green infrastructure. No current update. Stay tuned.
These gains (and level funds) don’t happen in a vacuum. Thank you all for your work this year to help us spread awareness about the importance of investing in programs that support urban and community forestry efforts across the country. We look forward to working with you all to make further strides in the new year!