USDA and Forest Service News
The latest forestry news and all that affects trees!
The U.S. Forest Service on Wildland Fire
The Forest Service has been managing wildland fire on National Forests and Grasslands for more than 100 years. But the Forest Service doesn’t — and can’t — do it alone. Instead, the agency works closely with other federal, tribal, state, and local partners. Read about the Forest Service’s efforts.
U.S. Forest Service: Urban Forests
Over 130 million acres of America’s forests are located right in our cities and towns. Urban forests come in many different shapes and sizes. They include urban parks, street trees, landscaped boulevards, gardens, river and coastal promenades, greenways, river corridors, wetlands, nature preserves, shelter belts of trees, and working trees at former industrial sites. Urban forests, through planned connections of green spaces, form the green infrastructure on which communities depend. Green infrastructure works at multiple scales from the neighborhood to the metro area to the regional landscape. CONTINUE…
Forest Service Chief Christiansen Visits Tongass National Forest
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski recently hosted the U.S. Forest Service’s Vicki Christiansen in a visit to Tongass National Forest. Read the story.
USDA Workers Sound Alarm about Agency Relocation
Hundreds of federal workers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture had to make a difficult decision: move from Washington, DC, to Kansas City. The Trump Administration has framed the move as an effort to save taxpayers money and bring researchers closer to the farmers they serve. Read MORE and watch the news report.
USDA Associate Chief Lenise Lago: Reducing Our Deferred Maintenance Backlog
Infrastructure is key to the social and economic benefits people get from the National Forest System. It is what links Americans and their public lands. Congress is taking notice of the value of our infrastructure and the urgent need for more maintenance funding. Continue reading…
Growing Resilient: Natural Resource Stewardship Aids in Preparing for and Recovering from Disaster
This new report includes case studies on community-based natural resource stewardship.
Forest Service and Utah Invest in State’s Future through Shared Stewardship
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert have agreed to implement specific actions under Utah’s Shared Stewardship agreement that will immediately begin to improve conditions on-the-ground. Read MORE.
USDA Releases Proposed Amendments to Greater Sage Grouse Land Management Plans
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced on August 1 the USDA Forest Service’s proposed changes to how the agency manages greater sage grouse in Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah after hearing concerns from states and land users. The changes strive to improve the clarity, efficiency, and implementation of the current sage grouse plans. Get the story HERE.
Agriculture and Forestry:
5 Ways Agroforestry Can Work for You and Your Land
Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees or shrubs with crop and animal production. The result? A more diverse agricultural operation, boosted profits, and conservation gains. LEARN five popular practices to consider for your working land.
Everything You Want to Know about the UDSA’s Urban and Community Forestry Program
The Forest Service is a proud partner in restoring and sustaining America’s community forests. The Urban & Community Forestry (UCF) Program supports forest health for all of our Nation’s forests, creates jobs, contributes to vibrant regional wood economies, enhances community resilience and preserves the unique sense of place in cities and towns of all sizes. Learn MORE…
NASF: What is NEPA Anyway?
Signed into law in 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act (or NEPA for short) requires federal agencies to assess the environmental impact of proposed action before said action can be taken, and allow for public engagement throughout the review of the proposed action. Read on…