Winter 2023 News to Share

News from the SUFC Team

The 18th SUFC Annual Meeting will be held on March 1, 2023 at the UVA Darden Center in Arlington, VA. Be on the lookout for an email with registration information.

SUFC is excited to announce the addition of THREE new members: California ReLeaf, the Natural Areas Conservancy, and Trees Louisville. We are excited to officially grant membership to these organizations as reflected in our expanded membership structure!

As discussed in our November Note from the Chairs, the SUFC Steering Committee has eliminated the national-reach requirement for membership and now invites regional, state, and community organizations to become a member. In light of these changes, the Steering Committee is piloting a new membership dues structure which is as follows:

SUFC Member News

Conferences & Events

National & International News

State & Local News

Congress & Federal Government

Video / Webinars / Podcasts / Education


Treesearch, White Papers, and Studies:


Funding, Awards, and Grant Opportunities